This is interesting, because this bit - "Women and femmes are conditioned to not make a scene, to just let things go." is not just women and femmes, but also Asians and people from other countries where, culturally, they are conditioned to not make a scene and to let things go.

And when we are caught in a moment where we are embarrassed and even traumatized, our fight or flight kicks in, and we stopped analyzing the situation and determine what's the best course forward.

Oh, and this can also happen in a company with co-workers or with customers.

So, I think the lesson learned here and much bigger than what's written.

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Hi Emi..Happy 4th thanks for sharing the article. You would think that this day and time people would act like humans but there’s always been shitbirds among us. For some unexplained reason a lot of men think they can do anything they want without consequences because of the society we created so we can only hope humanity will evolve and become better

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Thoughtful, well-written, and a reminder for us all on how to behave.

Unfortunately, your "savior's" words could also be taken as words of wisdom for you. As helpful as he was, he was also telling you that the bartender was NOT going to throw out two regulars for a stranger. In order for him to know that, he had to be a regular as well, even if not a happy one on your behalf.

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Yes to all of this. ❤️

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