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Hi Emi thank you so much for sharing how to deal with this. I have suffered for years and honestly can’t remember the last time I slept all night. I had a very violent childhood so I quit school early and joined the army, was sent to Vietnam and experienced extreme violence. I’ve been to a therapist finally in the last year but not getting much relief. I know you’re busy with work and new family but I would really appreciate it if you could tell me how long did it take for you to start feeling better? and do you think it would help me? The VA is a joke! and takes forever to get in.

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Hello Emi.

You have written a very important and concise piece on this subject. I have PTSD and this summer finished my second round of the 12-week intensive Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) that was developed as part of the VA program. (Basically like the CBT you mention.) It has been a life-changer. I did my first round last summer to deal with the sexual assaults from my childhood and growing up years, but needed the second round this past summer to deal with the more recent trauma(s) related to work. I can attest to what you write here. PTSD symptoms can be managed, and sometimes it takes more than one round of this type of therapy to really help it stick. And it's OK. It takes what it takes, but it works. It's also important to note that during the therapy it can get worse before it gets better, but stick with it, because it will get better as you continue.

I'm in Canada, so it is much easier to find therapists and specialists that do this kind of work, so I was very lucky. It is expensive though. I went into debt to do it, but I felt I had no choice.

As an aside, I read your book Acceptance last summer and I have a post where I'm referencing it coming up this fall.

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